
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words, On eBay Pictures Are Worth Thousands of Dollars

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words, On eBay Pictures Are Worth Thousands of Dollars!

When potential buyers do a search on eBay they may be given several pages of listings to look at.  This large quantity can be overwhelming for them.  Usually buyers scroll down the pages and quickly look at the pictures and only stop when something catches their eye.  Those are the listings they will look at.

This may seem like an obvious fact but if a listing does not get looked at then the listing will not sell.  Even if it a better quality product, from a more experienced seller and is less expensive than the competition.

Some simple photography strategies will make a big difference.  The main picture submitted should be a close up of the product and fill out most of the picture frame.  Your product will be easier to see and more appealing from the listings pages.  Color photos are a must.  For most listings professional grade photogrraphy is warranted.  That doesn't mean you have to hire someone, just make sure your photos are high quality.

Once a potentail ebay Buyer has clicked on to your listing, showing them a few more pictures is usually a good idea.  Items like Art Work, Clothing, Furniture and Guitars are enhanced with several pictures.  Items like a stapler or a car battery can do fine with only one.

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